A complete guide for teachers on remote teaching and learning from home. A blend of professional teachers coaching and technica...
Karmashil: Program for Persons with Disabilities: Learn More
"विधालय बन्द हुँदा मात्र नभई बिधालय भैरहेको अवस्थामा समेत हरेक शिक्षकको लागी डिजिटल सीप आवश्यक रहेछ।"
यो तालिमको सबै पक्ष अत्यन्त सीपयुक्त छन्। यस तालिमले गुगल मीट ,क्लासरुम, क्यालेन्डर, ड्राइभ र जुम जस्तो सान्दर्भिक बिषयलाई समेटेको पाँए। सुरुमा हाम्रो जस्तो बत्ती र ईन्टरनेट नभएको ठाउँमा यो सीप सिकेर के गर्ने भन्ने अन्यौलमा थिँए तर आजभोलिको परिवेशमा यो सीपले म भित्र आत्मविश्वासको बृद्दी गरेको छ।
"We are trying our best to make use of learning digitally despite our limited technical facilities here in Karnali and bring it into practice in our community."
I am so glad that we can share our views and experience with you regarding the impact of training programs on our regular duty and school. Online classes are becoming more and more popular and I am glad teachers are showing positive intent regarding virtual classes. I hope this initiative will bring progress in years to come.
"In today's Computer era of 21st century, we still rely on the traditional methods of teaching and our children seem to lag far behind in information, communication and technology."
But after five days of technology friendly skills development, teaching method in karnali region will surely change. We got an opportunity to get acquainted with technology and could learn to access vast knowledge beyond our imagination. So a heartfelt thanks from me and teachers to the organizers for providing us this platform to enhance and develop ourselves.